A Recipe for Success - How Eco-Friendly Green Toys Are Turning Waste Plastic Into Toys
Green Toys are committed to producing long-lasting eco-friendly toys. They've recycled over 121 million plastic milk bottles and turned them into colourful, child-friendly toys.
Explore Green Toys at Good Things
Discover hundreds of inspiring ethical and sustainable gifts, eco toys and games that support charities, empower people and protect the planet at Good Things.

Green Toys make all their chunky and hard-wearing products from recycled plastic bottles! This stops plastic from going to landfill, reduces their products' carbon footprint and saves energy. Every pound of recycled milk jugs saves enough energy to power a TV for three weeks!
Safe for little ones
Gender-neutral imaginative play
Award-winning Packaging
Explore our range of Green Toys
At Good Things you’ll find inspiring ethical and sustainable gifts that support charities, empower people and protect our planet. Discover gifts for all ages and inspiring ideas like cards that plant trees, handmade cushions empowering people in Tanzania and eco toys made from recycled milk bottles. Have a look at our collections.
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