Good Things one of 10 UK businesses awarded a £10k Hatch grant
Lucy Willoughby, founder of Good Things, has been awarded £10,000 as part of a £100,000 grant funding round from Hatch Enterprise, in partnership with NatWest. This grant is a significant milestone for Good Things, which is dedicated to providing ethical and sustainable gifts that support charities, empower people, and protect the planet.
The funding is part of Hatch’s 10x10 grant round, celebrating the charity's tenth anniversary by supporting ten underrepresented founders with £10,000 each. These grants aim to help entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds overcome the barriers they often face in the start-up sector, particularly women, Disabled founders, and those from ethnic minority communities.
“This grant gives me the opportunity to take Good Things to the next level. With this funding, I will invest in a shop space and develop new gift lines, which is really exciting." explains Good Things founder Lucy, "We’ve just had our busiest year yet, and with this grant, I can’t wait to build on this growth and momentum, championing more gifts with positive impact.”
Find out more about this grant round and the other founders awarded.
At Good Things you’ll find inspiring ethical and sustainable gifts that support charities, empower people and protect our planet. Discover gifts for all ages and inspiring ideas like cards that plant trees, handmade cushions empowering people in Tanzania and eco toys made from recycled milk bottles. Have a look at our collections.
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