How to Have a More Sustainable Christmas - 8 Tips
88% of us have decided to live more sustainably, as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, according to a recent survey. So how can we have a more ethical and sustainable Christmas?
Here are our top tips, in the guise of some of our favourite Christmas songs. Enjoy!
Explore Christmas at Good Things: hundreds of ethical and eco-friendly gifts, toys and games that support charities, empower people and protect our planet.
1. All I Want for Christmas Is You

In at number one: give less, give better. It's easy to get swept up in the excitement of Christmas and find yourself panic-buying armfuls of gifts for your first cousin-twice-removed. If you need to give a gift, try to buy meaningfully and purposefully. Make sure they'll use it for as long as possible (or opt for something edible) and think about where you're buying from, what it's made of (watch out for gift sets swamped in plastic packaging), and who made it. You might like to check out our Top 10 Ethical Christmas Gifts that Give Back or explore Good Things for loads of ethical and sustainable feel-good ideas.
All I Want for Christmas is You - Mariah Carey
2. O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
For some, the biggest Christmas dilemma. Artificial or natural? A contentious point in recent years, but the scales seem to be falling in favour of natural trees. If you opt for an artificial tree you need to get 10+ years' use out of it to offset the carbon used to manufacture the plastic and then produce and ship an artificial tree. If you do go artificial try to source a pre-loved one.
The best option is to have your very own living tree which can grow in a container in your garden for most of the year. Check out this guide from the RHS for tips on growing your own. Or, if you're willing to go a little more left field, could you decorate a houseplant?
If that's not possible, and let's face it we don't all have the space, choose a tree that's been grown in a sustainable way. Forestry England provide sustainably-grown and FSC-certified trees which can then be responsibly recycled. Find your nearest Christmas tree recycling centre.
O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree
3. Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
This year why not join the growing numbers going meat-free? It's estimated that cutting the meat in your Christmas dinner will reduce its carbon footprint by half, and there are plenty of delicious options available. Check out this list of 45 of the best vegan Christmas recipes to get you started.
The Christmas Song - Nat King Cole
4. Stay Another Day
It's estimated a shocking 4.2 million plates of turkey and trimmings and 74 million mince pies are thrown away every Christmas. Two thirds of households say some of their turkey will end up in the bin.
Buying differently and catering for more people means you're likely to find yourself producing a lot more waste during the festive season. Carefully scrutinise what you buy, whether you need it, what it's wrapped in and try to use up everything you have.
Stay Another Day - East 175. Christmas Wrapping
Wrap your gifts with care. Every year people in the UK throw away 108 million rolls of wrapping paper, and use 40 million rolls of plastic tape. Wrapping paper made with glitter and gloss can't be recycled.
Choose responsibly sourced wrapping paper from recycled sources if possible, or opt for reusable fabric alternatives. Using ribbon or string not only looks much more attractive than plastic tape but it also means paper can be used over and over again.
Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses
6. The Holly and the Ivy
Thankfully the era of gaudy plastic decorations is (mainly!) behind us. But think carefully about what you use to decorate your home and choose durable decorations you'll enjoy for years to come. We love these handmade felt decorations. Or why not forage for natural decorations like pine cones or holly or make your own decorations from dried orange slices?
Consider your Christmas crackers too, they're often the culprits of cheap plastic fillers that get thrown away very quickly.
7. With Every Christmas Card I Write
It's estimated 33 million trees worth of Christmas cards are thrown away after Christmas in the UK every year. In a year when we may choose to write, rather than visit, it's important to make sure we're conscious of what our cards are made of and where they come from. Recycled cards that can go on to be recycled again are a good choice - for this reason avoid foil, glitter and gloss. Check out our range of recycled cards that make a difference, from planting trees to supporting charities.
8. Driving Home for Christmas
This year is a good time to consider your so-called "love miles". It's likely lots of us will be opting for video chats rather than travelling long distances and while it may not be what we'd hoped for, this will have a positive environmental impact. Of course at times like these being with loved ones feels more important than ever so if you do travel try to opt for greener transport options, walk and cycle where possible, use public transport and share lifts if it's safe to do so.
Driving Home for Christmas - Chris Rea
If you're still looking for inspiration why not check out all our products?
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At Good Things you’ll find inspiring ethical and sustainable gifts that support charities, empower people and protect our planet. Discover gifts for all ages and inspiring ideas like cards that plant trees, handmade cushions empowering people in Tanzania and eco toys made from recycled milk bottles. Have a look at our collections.
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